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10 tips for sex if you suffer from hip pain

Exercises to Unlock the Hips
10 tips for sex if you suffer from hip pain

The writer Xandra Lee was born with hip dysplasia, which throughout her 35 years of age led her to operate eight times, affecting various aspects of her life, including her performance when having sex.


Growing up he realized that sex when they have hip problems is a taboo subject and few doctors talk about, so he gave the task of writing the book "Sex ... with these hips?" with these hips?) to support other people who go through the same situation.

"When you go to the hospital they ask you if you can bathe alone, if you can feed alone, if you can use the toilet, but nobody ever asks you if you are having a satisfying sex life," Lee told the Daily Mirror site.

The author points out that many doctors do not consider themselves comfortable assuming data about the sexual life of their patients, but it is a condition that greatly affects people's intimate relationships.

When you have a congenital condition of this nature, positions as simple as the "missionary" can be dangerous. Xandra said that once his hip was dislocated and it was a terrifying experience.

In his book, Lee included collaborations by expert doctors such as his own surgeon Nigel Kiely and physiotherapist Matthew Farrow, in addition to the testimony of several people who participated in his Facebook group "Living with hip dysplasia."

See also: How much sex is "normal" in a couple?

These are the 10 tips you can follow to have sex when your hip hurts.

1. Accept the change. Do not insist on practicing sex as you used to do before, face this condition in your life and enjoy the memories, so you can create new ones.

2. Talk to your partner. Always be honest about what hurts or bothers you, so that both of you can work on new ways of having sex.

3. Choose the right time. Ideally, having sex when you are not very tired and your joints are not stiff, so it might be better to have sex in the afternoon than at bedtime.

4. Anticipate. You may want to warm up the body, stretch your joints and even take painkillers before sex, instead of suffering the consequences afterwards.

5. Choose the correct angle. So that you do not get hurt, it is recommended that you do not place yourself on all four limbs or bend your body more than 90 degrees.

6. Get support. Although there are support cushions, a pillow or a towel inscribed under your hips can provide the necessary support.

7. Keep the chest stable. By doing this, your hips and legs have greater stability, avoid shaking your legs or knees too much, because this can cause a hip dislocation.

8. Choose a comfortable position. Most people with hip problems choose a more passive position, especially if they have pain or are recovering from surgery.

9. Don't panic. If your hip works and you find it very painful, you should remain calm and teach your partner how to help relieve pain.

10. Have fun. Find the positive side and try to laugh with your partner, this helps to solve problems better.

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