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Unlocking your hip with Bridging Exercice

Unlocking your Hip With Bridging Exercice

Bridge: I do not care if you're doing a Camel Bridge, Table Bridge, Basic Glute Bridge or any other version of the Bridge ... If you're a bridge almost every day, you lose a great opportunity to improve not only your extension of hip but also activates your buttocks! 

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hip strengthening exercises

Hip Unlocking Exercice:

Unlocking the hip flexors and keeping them unlocked is not just about stretching. Because if you stretch and then come back immediately and sit down, just squeeze everything again.

BUT if the muscles are activated and work and are AMPLIFIED with the range of motion you have established, you can improve your mobility, relax your hip flexors and lower and hip pain (and even knee pain, among other things !).

How to do Bridging Exercice for unlock hip?

No matter how advanced an athlete is, you should always incorporate a basic BODYWEIGHT Glute bridge into your routine ... I know I am doing it.

A. Because it is important to always return to the base and establish / maintain your connection between the mind and the body.

B. Because we can often contract our buttocks with bodyweight exercises, AKA really makes sure they work and work properly!

Just an update course on that basic bridge Bodyweight Glute ...

To make the basic buttock bridge, lie on your back, bend your knees and rest your feet on the floor. Your feet should be about the width of your hips. You may have to adjust your exact position of the foot depending on how tight or mobile your hips are. You can move your feet back a bit or a little closer to your ass, but be sure not to move them so far as to feel that your hamstrings are taking over.

Bend the elbows up to 90 degrees so that only your arms are on the floor. This will help you be able to come down with your elbows, upper arms and back to help you go up instead of pushing you back.

Next, lift a bridge, through the heels and upper back and arms to lift the buttocks off the ground. Lift your hips as high as possible, while squeezing your buttocks tightly while holding your abs. Keep your navel down so you do not hyperext your back. Concentrate and squeeze consciously on your buttocks at the top.

When you leave, do not press your heels. Make sure you drive up and that your knees are not in the way. Also remember to let your knees advance on your toes to allow your hips to come out and prevent you from pushing back.

Squeeze the buttocks for a second or two at the top and place them on the floor until you repeat them. Do not rush through the movement.

OH and I also want to mention ... The activation and unblocking of the buttocks of your hip flexors not only means reversing the effects of sitting, so you can prevent and relieve injuries and lift more and run faster ...

But you can also help with that LOWER BELLY POOCH!

Did you know that tight hip flexors can really contribute to that difficult stomach pain to eliminate? Well they can!

All the more reason to unlock those hips and let them work outside.

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